Outdated Onboarding Hurts Your Bottom Line

Person trading stock on their mobile phone

Traditional Onboarding vs. Modern Consumer Experience At this point, HR is keenly aware that onboarding is critically important, but fundamentally broken. Unfortunately, rather than facing the issue head-on and making it an urgent task, a majority of organizations allow outdated onboarding to impede new hire progress and disengage otherwise enthusiastic employees. 36% of organizations do not have […]

If You Think Onboarding is So Important, Why Haven’t You Made It Urgent?

Onboarding is Urgent

Set the tone for a great employee experience Each year, onboarding surges towards the top of the strategic priorities list for businesses. And each year, it goes unattended as other ‘urgent’ items move ahead of the ‘important’ ones. It’s our nature, and the daily reality of business to focus on the immediate pressing needs. The […]

Onboarding: Let’s Get Past the Classroom

Onboarding outside the classroom

Why Classrooms aren’t Worth It If you’re looking for new ideas on onboarding your employees in a classroom or lecture hall setting – you might want to take a step back. Classroom exercises may seem like the best option to make sure your new hires all have a consistent experience, but the process itself is […]

Create a Consistent and Unified Hiring Experience That Candidates Will Love

You invest valuable time, effort, and resources sourcing the perfect candidate through a compelling employer brand, talent attraction strategy, and recruiting experience. You certainly don’t want to see your work go down the drain in the handoff from talent acquisition to talent management. Organizations without a thoughtful, defined transition between the two leave hires floating in […]

Your Secret Weapon in the War for Talent: Onboarding

Secret Wapon in the War for Talent

High-stakes Hiring There’s a moment of truth in the recruiting process. An exact moment when you literally start realizing or losing the investment you’ve made in finding and acquiring a great hire. As soon as your offer is accepted, you shift into onboarding. Not the first day of employment: the moment your offer is accepted. […]

Ready to Automate HR?

Automate Onboarding

Congratulations! You convinced leadership that when it comes to onboarding, paper needs to go. Everyone is on board with the fact that automating new hire onboarding  will reduce the burden on HR, your new hires, and current employees while driving engagement and improving the overall experience. Your team is pumped, you’re over-the-moon excited, and everyone can’t wait […]

Q&A with Click Boarding

Q&A with Click Boarding

Interviewer: Vice President of Marketing, Karen Redetzki Interviewee: Chief Revenue Officer, Christine Marino Q: What was Click Boarding’s inspiration to build an onboarding solution? A: We heard directly from HR practitioners that new hires were extremely dismayed – as a result of having to complete a confusing, laborious, difficult onboarding process. It became very clear to […]

2017 HR Trends to Watch For

HR Trends

The results are in! These are the trends your peers, HR and senior leaders are watching for in 2017 as it pertains to developing a talent-focused organization. Do they match up with what your organization is planning for the new year? Research shows that organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 54% greater new hire productivity, along with […]

Where the Purple Squirrels Really Are


Benefits of internal hiring The early onboarding process is important, but a continued relationship with an employee is just as pivotal. Employees aren’t done being recruited and retaining relationships post-hire keeps them in the long term hiring pipeline. Many companies look externally to fill positions when they may only need to ask their already established […]

5 Tips to Increase Productivity and Decrease Onboarding Costs

Getting ready to make a round of hires? Bringing on new employees is an investment for firm’s time and money. Sourcing, recruiting, and onboarding is not cheap and once the new hire gets to work it can take about 5 months for them to reach full productivity levels. Seems like there’s no way to get […]

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