3 Tips to Ramp Up Your Onboarding for New Grads

Did you hear? Millennials are taking over the world. Expected to make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, these workers are single-handedly changing the HR landscape. Their needs and preferences, especially when entering the workforce as recent college graduates, puts companies in a vulnerable position. While most HR pros have their sights focused on […]
5 Ways to Get More Accepted Offers From Candidates

In the words of Joni Mitchell, “…don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got til’ it’s gone?” We often take for granted the better things in life when we get used to having them done a certain way. Employers are used to having the upper hand with candidates. However, as the job […]
Onboard Employees with Retention in Mind

Better New Hire Onboarding You think you’re working for a great company, but you can’t help but look at your turnover rate and feel something is wrong. A higher-than-desirable turnover rate doesn’t make you a bad company. You have a few problems in your hiring that have a tendency to alienate new employees from the […]
3 Qualities the Best Onboarding Programs Have

What defines the best onboarding programs? It’s a pretty hefty claim to say “I have the best onboarding program.” It might be a fit for your company, but what about the candidates and new hires you bring to the team? If they are your ideal employee (i.e., fits in with the team, works well with […]
Be Welcoming to Improve New Hire Productivity

That first day on the job… has the potential to be an employee’s best or worst day on the job. It’s the same for you as an employer. You’ve spent nearly a month or more searching for the right candidate and using a lot of time and money to find them. The last thing you […]