How Onboarding Protects Your New Hire Investment

New Hire Onboarding: How to Protect Your Investment

New hire onboarding: don’t underestimate its importance Whether or not you’re familiar with our new hire onboarding concept of the Valley of Uncertainty™, one thing is undeniable: you do not want new hires landing there. The Valley of Uncertainty is the unsettling time for candidates when they transition from the recruiting department into the day-to-day […]

What is the Valley of Uncertainty™?

Valley of Uncertainty Webinar

Ever hear of the Valley of Uncertainty? No? Well, Click Boarding coined the term and concept of the Valley of Uncertainty. It’s our analogy of the gap that exists between Talent Acquisition and Talent Management. Sounds like a scary place to be, right? The Valley of Uncertainty is where your newly hired candidates fall off […]

Happy Holidays from Click Boarding!

Click Boarding's Year in Review 2021

A reflective look back & hopeful look ahead With the New Year nearly upon us, it’s impossible to forget the undeniable bedlam of the past year. Unlike we’d hoped, 2021 felt more like a rerun of 2020’s chaos, uncertainty and challenges. From supply chain calamities to growing social unrest, a worldwide mental health crisis to […]

What Nurses Really Want from Onboarding

Nurse Onboarding

Nurse Onboarding According to the May 2021 McKinsey survey, 22% of nurses reported the strong likelihood of leaving their current healthcare positions. The same survey revealed that of the 22% of nurses, an unsurprising 60% said it was a result of the pandemic, citing “insufficient staffing, workload and emotional toll” as the primary turnover culprits. This troubling stat […]

Employee Retention During The Great Resignation

Employee Retention During The Great Resignation

The pandemic’s impact on employee retention What’s one of the most urgent concerns on the minds of business leaders across the country right now? It’s no shock that employee retention tops the list. But how is it related to the post-COVID mass exodus phenomenon called “The Great Resignation?” A term created by Texas A&M University […]

Great Onboarding is How Retention Begins

How to Retain New Employees

How are onboarding and retention related? As we inch our way around the corner after more than a year of battling COVID-19, employers across the country are wondering how to retain new employees and employee retention in general. Not surprising is the reality that the pandemic has only underscored the vital importance of a better […]

Employee Turnover: Why Fixing It Now is Urgent

Employee Turnover

How increased employee turnover demands began If there’s one thing last year taught HR leaders, professionals and practitioners alike, it’s that our employees are our most valuable asset. Period. Aside from the systems and processes that have been established, the bottom line is that it’s the workers behind the scenes that stimulate the push to […]

18 Jaw-Dropping Onboarding Stats You Need to Know

22 Jaw-dropping Onboarding Statistics

Employee retention, engagement, satisfaction, productivity….all things that keep HR professionals burning the midnight oil for the next best recruitment trends, performance management practices or engagement strategy. While those endeavors are important and certainly should be pursued, what’s even more important is taking into account how effective onboarding solutions get HR teams one step closer to […]

How Long Does Onboarding Take?

How long does onboarding take new hires?

What it takes to get employees up to speed Higher retention rates, engaged employees and effective communication are just a few of the advantages to having a seamless, effective onboarding process. Making the most of a new hire’s first few months can contribute immensely to their employee engagement and career development, especially now during a global pandemic. It also helps […]

The 4 New Onboarding Factors Series: Adaptations

Onboarding Factors and Adaptations

Onboarding Factor #4: Adapting onboarding We’ve come to the fourth and final blog in our “New Onboarding Factors” series. It’s a culmination of the first three onboarding factors we’ve introduced: Remote The pandemic forever altered the way we work as well as our day-to-day work routines…everyone agrees on that. Along with emigrating to the new […]

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