Get an “A” in Onboarding College Graduates

Your onboarding & training program needs these skill sets! It’s estimated Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. Are you sick of hearing that yet? We know Millennials are taking over and while most HR buzz is around how to attract and retain them, there is a lot to be said for […]
Why is Onboarding So Important for Employee Retention?

Why is onboarding so important for employee retention? Think for a moment about your last great hire. How long did it take to find them? How expensive was it? Did you worry if they would be a good fit culturally? How long did it take until they were fully integrated into the company and productive? […]
Internal Mobility as a Talent Strategy = Bigger ROI

An internal mobility strategy for new hires Leveraging an internal mobility strategy to drive ROI is one of the four macro trends leading to the rise of alternative work arrangements, cross-functional teams and project-based work for new hire talent. Hiring from within eliminates the expense of finding a new hire, accelerates the speed to productivity and ensures […]
How These 4 Companies Rule New Hire Onboarding

New Hire Onboarding Companies You see resources out the wazoo on how to recruit the best candidates and the latest performance management best practices, but there is too little discussed about the time in between. The irony is it’s during the new hire onboarding process that companies are most vulnerable to losing their newest employees. […]
Deconstructing the myths of onboarding – Myth #7: Onboarding begins and ends on an employee’s first day

If there is one universal truth about starting a new role it’s new job jitters. New hires worry about making a good impression, fitting in, finding the office/getting there on time, wearing the right attire, and more. Many are also concerned about whether they made the right decision to take the job. One of the […]
Surprising Employee Onboarding Lessons from The Santa Clause Movie

In the 1994 holiday classic movie The Santa Clause, an unlucky dad hears Santa fall from his roof. Rushing outside with his son, Scott discovers a lifeless Santa and a note in the pocket of his suit. In very fine print it reads, “If something should happen to me, put on my suit, the Reindeer […]
Top 4 Benefits of Mobile Onboarding for Construction Workers

Our construction clients came to us with a problem They were looking for a way to connect with their new hires, especially the remote ones in the field, and make sure they had a positive onboarding experience. Most of their new hires did not have a computer so they couldn’t just send an email with […]
Overcome the construction worker shortage with best-in-class onboarding

The Associated General Contractors of America conducted a survey earlier this year and found that 80% of construction companies are unable to find enough qualified craft workers. This construction worker shortage has led to two-thirds of companies increasing base pay rates for craft workers and 29% offering bonuses and incentives. To standout in this talent […]
Top 5 Best Practices to Onboard New Nurse Graduates

Within the first two years after graduating, 33% of new nurses quit. Reality of life as a nurse and the steep learning curve are the biggest reasons for hanging up the stethoscope. With 1 million registered nurse job vacancies the Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates through 2022, the big question is – how do you […]
5 Employee Development Stats to Improve Retention

How to reduce employee turnover Hiring new employees comes with a hefty mix of emotions and pressures. Emotions? We’re talking nerves… you finally found the perfect candidate for the job, they’re talented qualified AND personable. Pressure? We’re talking night sweats!