Elevate Your Onboarding By Leveraging Psychology

Elevate Your Onboarding By Leveraging Psychology World-renowned author and life coach Tony Robbins teaches about the importance of the six human needs and how they drive us. He shares how certainty, uncertainty/variety, significance, connection/love, growth, and contribution fuel our motivation and influence how we interact with the world. Our needs for each of the six […]
What Your Onboarding Says About Your Company

What Your Onboarding Says About Your Company A decade ago, you might have been forgiven if you thought onboarding was just the mandatory stack of HR info provided to new hires on the first day. As society has moved toward a consumer-first environment where Amazon delivers what you want the same day and intuitively knows […]
Top 5 Ways Companies Are Affected by Onboarding

How are companies impacted by onboarding? Onboarding has been a boon to the employee experience: it improves engagement, decreases the learning curve to full productivity, and accelerates new hire integration and team cohesion. However, the benefits (and potential pitfalls) of onboarding don’t stop at the employee level, there are many ways the entire company is […]
One simple way to accelerate senior leader onboarding

One simple way to accelerate senior leader onboarding What’s the difference between regular onboarding and senior leader onboarding? The stakes are even higher, much higher. Senior leaders understand the massive expectations of them,] especially when they join a new organization, and the 10X magnifier on their every move. Their onboarding process needs to be comprehensive […]
Want a Better Onboarding Experience for New Hires?

Why are onboarding experiences so important? Companies can overlook new hire onboarding. They’re so busy sourcing, interviewing and hiring new candidates, they forget that what you do after a candidate accepts the offer is just as important as all the steps that lead up to it. If your company’s bleeding good employees or missing out […]
6 Things to Do With Your New Employees in Their First 60 Days

6 Things to Do With Your New Employees in Their First 60 Days The myth – your new employee accepted your offer, they showed up on day one, and they are immediately engaged and productive … WRONG! Many organizations assume that once new employees have signed on the dotted line and shown up on their […]
Your new hire is 60 days in. Think you’re off the hook? Not a chance!

Your new hire is 60 days in. Think you’re off the hook? Not a chance! New employees experience a similar path to dating– where an initial meeting is fraught with nerves, the first few months are filled with uncertainty and best behavior, and then the relationship evolves into a steady hum of comfort and certainty. […]
Your New Hire Accepted Your Offer and Showed Up … Now What?

Your new hire accepted your offer and showed up … now what? Not so fun facts: 20% of new hires leave in the first 45 days* and 4%** don’t even show up on the first day. Losing that much hard-won talent can feel like a personal defeat or a company failure … or worse, both! […]
Excellent Onboarding: Merger & Acquisition’s Secret Weapon

The thing about mergers & acquisitions Mergers and acquisitions are tricky. Cultural differences, expectations, and lack of alignment can swiftly derail integration – like an episode of the Brady Bunch where everything goes wrong and there’s no quick fix sitcom solution before the end of the thirty minutes. And then there’s the worst of it – […]
Increase New Hire Retention by Mobilizing their Social Circle

Increase New Hire Retention by Mobilizing their Social Circle Within the first 6 months, 90% of new hires decide to stay or leave. Many factors influence this decision but as an employer you can directly influence your new employee’s onboarding experience and help them develop strong social ties. Bonds with coworkers are powerful, from the […]