5 New Hire Onboarding Mistakes to Avoid

Make onboarding a positive experience Have you ever had just a horrible onboarding experience? It does take a certain kind of finesse to master the art of onboarding new employees effectively, but something should also be said for the onboarding programs (or lack of) that ensure the onboarding experience chases all the best new employees […]
The Complete Employee Onboarding Guide: The First 3 Days

Did you know you only have 7 seconds to make a strong first impression? Now think of all of the time a new hire has during their first 3 days of working in your business… it could be up to 24 hours! That’s enough time to either leave a positive first impression on your new […]
Tips for Hiring & Onboarding Remote Employees

Compliance & Onboarding Remote Workers

Remote onboarding for the new normal The world is no longer one of papers and filing cabinets, now that remote onboarding is a mainstay. Technology has allowed for much of our lives to be digital, fitting within the confines of a phone screen. The numerous HR processes are not immune from this trend either. In […]
Is It Time to Give a Paperless Onboarding Process a Try?

A paperless onboarding process is easier than you think. What would be the best material for the United States to make their own Great Wall of China? How about paper? Each year, we produce enough paper waste to build a 12-foot high wall of paper from New York to California! This consumption of paper costs U.S. […]
How to be Paperless and Compliant in Onboarding

Why paperless onboarding? The world is no longer one of papers and filing cabinets. Technology has allowed for much of our lives to be digital, fitting within the confines of a phone screen. The numerous HR processes are not immune from this trend either. In 2015, 77% of HR professionals said their department was either half, […]
The State of Employee Onboarding 2020

How has the pandemic changed the way we onboard employees? The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything: how we live, how we communicate and ultimately how we interact with one another. It was a cataclysmic event that forever changed the way we look at work and employment, not to mention virtually everything we do on a […]
The Offboarding Process: How to Optimize Your Efforts

How to Optimize Your Offboarding Process With all of the uncertainty, drastic business shifts and never-before-experienced scenarios which are a byproduct of COVID-19, it’s imperative to focus on people during times of change and uncertainty, now more than ever. Although they may not expect it, your employees deserve it. This especially rings true in the case of workforce reductions […]
Involuntary Offboarding Risks You Need to Know

The Involuntary Offboarding Risks You Need to Know Uncomfortable musings What could a disgruntled terminated employee do with access to your sensitive corporate information, building, and passwords to your social accounts? An unsettling thought, isn’t it? Especially considering, according to Intermedia, 89% of past employees retain access to sensitive corporate applications. Just imagine the damage. […]
Compassionate, compliant & remote offboarding during COVID-19

Unemployment hit an unbelievable 3.3 million last week and the peak of COVID-19 hasn’t even been reached in the US yet. As businesses across the country cease operations, a common thread is the uncertainty around how to offboard employees compassionately, compliantly, and remotely. In normal times, the importance of offboarding is a given – well-offboarded employees can be a […]