11 timely insights by compliance and onboarding experts

Compliant onboarding

Collected from Thomas Brechtel J.D., Chief Revenue Officer, Form I-9 Compliance, LLC and Scott Poeschl, PHR, Vice President of Sales, Click Boarding   We asked HR, “What do you believe is your biggest obstacle to delivering a great hiring and onboarding experience to every candidate?”, the answer we got was “The overwhelming number of tasks to […]

3 Ways to Instill Confidence In Your Workforce


Keeping employees engaged can be a never-ending struggle, and the methods used to achieve it will continue to change with the behaviors and needs of the emerging and changing  workforce. In fact, Deloitte’s 2014 Global Human Capital Trends study shows that 78% of business leaders believe employee retention and engagement is urgent or important, yet […]

5 Employee Onboarding Tips


Step one, find the right candidate. Step two, hire the right candidate. Step three, done? Not quite. Now, those are very general steps one and two and we know a lot more goes into both of them. Our point is that onboarding is just as important as sourcing and placing the right person. It sets […]

3 Compliance Checks for New Hire Training


Getting your new hire training together can be a hassle. You have to contend with all the W-4s and I-9s just to get to the fun stuff like the industrial office space or the tools they get to use as part of their new job. But while digital onboarding can get rid of much of […]

The 4 Cs Your Onboarding Plan Should Cover… or Else!


What are the 4 Cs of onboarding? If you’re reading this article, you’re probably in the market to create a formal onboarding plan, which only 32% of companies currently have. That’s great! But you may not know everything your onboarding plan should cover, and it could lead to an unrealistic plan or worse — getting […]

Get Rid of the Headache that (Usually) Comes with New Employee Documents

New Employee Documents

New employee documents can be a burden. We recognize they are still one of the most important parts of employee onboarding, but there has to be a better way to complete these forms. They’re cumbersome, boring, and they can slow down the hiring process. In the meantime, we have a few ways companies can alleviate […]

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