[WEBINAR] Employee Transitions Webinar: Crossboarding & One-time Activities

Written By
Click Boarding
Posted on October 27, 2022
Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes, 35 seconds
Employee Transitions Webinar: Crossboarding & One-time Activities

Employee Transitions Webinar: Crossboarding & One-time Activities

Experience post-Day 1 engagement opportunities from sign-offs and policies to system access and team introductions. With our multi-media content sharing, the sky’s the limit!

Video Transcription:

MICHELLE: It looks like we have a good number, and we are officially a minute after. So let’s go ahead and get started. Hi everyone! Thank you so much for joining us for our second Employee Transition Webinar. Today we’ll be talking about crossboarding and one-time activities within the Click platform.

Super excited: I have the privilege of joining Danielle Balow here, so let’s just do a couple introductions. Danielle, why don’t you go first?

DANIELLE: I’m Danielle Balow. I’ve been with Click Boarding for about five years, and I lead digital transformation at Click Boarding. I have the pleasure of working with clients to understand what their business process pain points are, integration pain points, and our team provides solutions and recommendations to truly fit the needs of their business, current state and future.

What’s awesome is no one business is the same, so it’s a lot of fun and we really love to see the transformation take place…kind of like a before and after. So I’m really excited to show you guys a little bit about crossboarding today.

MICHELLE: Awesome; thanks, Danielle! My name is Michelle Graham. I’m Click’s Head of Marketing. I’ve been here about three years and get to do a lot of fun things like this: going to events and participating in thought leadership with HR professionals like you all! It’s my favorite part of my job, so I’m super excited to be here and talk crossboarding and one-time activities.

So with that, Danielle and I are going to showcase three different workflows of use cases within that crossboarding and one-time activity space. First, when it comes to crossboarding, it’s important for us to define what that means, right? A lot of employees and companies define this differently.

For us at Click, it’s really any type of transfer or internal mobility transition at an organization within their tenure – after their onboarding period – at any point within their employment lifecycle. That could include a promotion, a lateral move, a relocation geographically, right? A temporary assignment, a reorg…lots of examples here that you can administer within the platform.

Today, Danielle’s going to show two examples of this. The first on a promotion and the second on a relocation. This will include some tactical steps to collect content and data points in a compliant manner, as well as engagement tactics to interact with employees in a meaningful way during this transition.

Without further ado, I’m going to go ahead and share my screen and hand off to Danielle for the first workflow.

DANIELLE: Thanks! Just to get everybody in the right mindset: what we’re seeing here is just one example of how we leverage our platform. Maybe they’ve already done their onboarding and now what we really want to do is engage with the employee. They’re actually going to go down a promotion workflow first, like Michelle said.

She’s going to log into the platform. For the first time: if she hasn’t logged in before, she will set up her password and security questions. Click Boarding is SOC 2, Type 2-certified. GDPR compliant. We had a little bit of fun here I see with our security answers. Super top secret! Once she logs into the platform and clicks accept, she is now within the Click Boarding workflow.

Now these are 100% configurable and can be owned and managed by you. We always start with “Congratulations!” I love this picture; she’s so excited! I just smile looking at this. That’s what you want to do, right? You wanna get them excited, especially since they’re going through a promotion workflow.

Here’s a quick So a quick here’s why we’re here. Then, she’s going to apply her eSignature; this is proprietary to Click Boarding and comes with purchase of the product/platform. It applies the IP address, the date, the timestamp, printed name, eSignature to any agreement, offer letter policy, moving forward.

Here, you’ll see that the offer letter has been configured. New pay rate, manager, etc., is all set here. She can also scroll down, download the offer letter and then you’ll see that she can open here, because she’s using Chrome within her tray, and then she’s just going to apply the eSignature. It’s literally that easy!

You can also give them cues and suggestions. What do I do now that I’ve accepted my offer? What comes next? Cues in terms of things that you should talk about with your current leader for transition as well as your new leader: access, systems, equipment, building access. It could be any and all of those.

Also share with them maybe the leadership team, right? You know, fun facts. I love a couple of these that we show here. I think Michelle’s going to scroll to the bottom in a minute. Here, that his name is Robert and that Bob is his dad! So you can have some fun…showcase a little bit of that personality aspect.

Then as they move into a new role in a new team, if you want to get them aligned with a new colleague or a mentor or a buddy, you can leverage the product to collect information in terms of what you are looking for. You can even put placeholder text there to give them ideas, because sometimes people are showcasing something personal versus professional.

These are just examples of how you would provide not only the tactical things like offer letters, but also the engaging elements to get them excited and generating some of the emotional activities around it. Social media: if you wanted to do an announcement, it could be a photo of you hiking or doing some type of gaming convention, right? Whatever that person is excited about! And then you can even take a selfie.

So if they were doing this on their mobile phone, you could take something from your photo library, and then you just wrap with, again, starting on a high note and ending on a high note. And it was literally that easy! You can configure as much or as little within a promotion on a workflow based on what you want your employees to see.

And we are there as well to provide recommendations.

MICHELLE: Awesome! Thank you, Danielle. I’m glad you liked my jokes there with some of the new team members. Yes, have some fun. You do you! We did have a couple questions come through the Q&A feature here, a really good one. You did demonstrate that offer letter. Can you tell us how that’s administered on the backend?

DANIELLE: Yes, so Click Boarding is a guided or a linear platform, and essentially what that means is that you can’t go onto step two, for example, until you complete step one. Behind the scenes, we actually created the offer letter first as the hiring manager or the recruiter for that role.

The recruiter actually gets to input all of those data fields, like pay rate, PTO, a new manager. And then they’ll be able to preview it and actually see what the offer looks like before that employee goes down the workflow and receives an email and/or a text message getting them into the Click Boarding platform.

MICHELLE: Awesome; thank you. And another one that just came in, Danielle: can Click Boarding integrate with single sign-on applications within a company so the person does not need to create or have separate username and password for our system?

DANIELLE: Yes. We offer that as a standard. Awesome question!

MICHELLE: Love it! Okay, one more here. Are we able to adjust the text headers and descriptions within these different process flows and steps?

DANIELLE: Oh yeah, absolutely! So all of it – the language, the images that you saw – 100% configurable. So if you’re like, maybe give me something to start with as an idea to generate what I might want, that’s where we start at Click Boarding. And then we’ll actually show you how to upload your own images and how you can edit your text headers, etc., so that it really fits the needs and the vibe, culture and feel of your organization. This is just one example of what it could look like.

MICHELLE: Wonderful. Keep the questions coming here, everyone, through chat, and we will dive into our next workflow. An example of crossboarding, in this case, a geographical location for someone moving to a new location.

I will go ahead and share again and hand off to Danielle.

DANIELLE: Thanks! You’re going to see here this is literally another set of activities. So when she clicks “Start next set of activities,” she’ll literally get an email and/or a text message. You can log in via SSO. Then she’s going to, now this time, walk through a little bit of instructional information on relocation.

Imagine if your corporate office is moving. This is a really good example: what we’re just saying is, here’s what you can expect, here. People are sometimes questioning like, “What is this? Why am I here?” We generally recommend some type of level setting of why you’re here.

Now, this is interesting because you’ll see that we’re collecting information. And we’re doing that because if they’re moving right, we’re collecting information and making updates. If they’re moving from one location, one city, etc. to another, you’re going to need that information to update in your HCM solution.

Click Boarding can actually package that information up and send it to your HCM solution to update your employee record – with as few or as little data points as you like. Then here, what we’re showcasing is that the employee can actually look at the output of the document and preview before hitting “Submit” and moving on.

Now again, if they’re going across state lines or even sometimes municipalities, Click Boarding has a tax wizard which looks at where the employee’s home address is and where their work address is. They will actually serve up the appropriate tax forms, depending on those two pieces of information.

Here you’re seeing that she’s relocating to Minnesota, and if you can’t tell, I’m from Minnesota; maybe that accent is coming through loud and clear?! Based on that, it’s saying based on your situation, you need to do the federal W-4 as well as the State of Minnesota form. So if she was living in North Dakota and working in Minnesota, the tax forms would be a little bit different, right?

It’s literally walking her through step by, and asking, “Do you have any dependents?” Just over on the left, you’re starting to see her progress, and it’s asking all of those critical data points or pieces of information. Then she even just clicked here so you can see the output of the W-4.

Now, we store this information as well, so just like I mentioned us storing data points of home address: we can still collect tax deduction information as well, and send that information over to your HCM and payroll solution. Sometimes, they’re synonymous, sometimes they’re not. And here, this one is specific to Minnesota, and you’ll even see on the bottom that grayed out, calculated values are changing. Based on her answers, it’s actually showing those computed values and helping her set up her specific deductions.

Minnesota requires a phone number, and then here you’ll see that she can go through a print view. And then clicks it with the form, and it is literally that easy. So once she’s done with taxes, Click Boarding can then send that information to your payroll solution.

We’ve got everything we need to make sure that you have the most up-to-date information on your side as well. While you’re also offering up some engaging elements such as, “Hey, we’re going to connect you with someone – your new onsite associate – to help you get assimilated to the culture.

If you’re moving to Minnesota, we like to say “soda,” not “pop.” Actually, there’s a big debate; I think it’s actually half and half in the Midwest! But you know, somebody like you’re on-site person could share that kind of stuff with you…really just getting them prepared again. Maybe you need a new badge? So the same functionality could be used for things like collecting licensures, certifications, photos, IDs, etc.

Then finally, the dress code. So what do I wear? Or maybe I’m relocating; what do I have to wear in the office when I was previously working remote…and could I wear sweatpants every day, right? It’s really just setting the expectations so they’re prepared and even where to go. I should mention that some of these forms – like this one that you see on screen here – we offer over 120 forms with purchase of the product like this one. And then you can build and configure as many pieces of content, images, data collection, etc.

MICHELLE: Alright, thanks, Danielle! It always blows me away how simple the taxes are, because it scares me every time. But it is as easy as that. We did have another question come through during, which is a great one related to both the promotional workflow and this one: how easy is it to update information on the backend – like a team member image – so that it stays current?

DANIELLE: It’s pretty easy! Click Boarding can actually get the data a couple different ways. If we are collecting an image – like a badge photo or social media, whatever those examples may be – we can either export the information on the data or the forms, including images, as well as you can come get it via API. It really depends on how you want to collect the information.

Or you can go into Click Boarding, and grab it on the employee record or profile. There’s a lot of options and really, what we would recommend is based on your unique business and use case and even the scale. If you’re doing this for one business unit that’s a little bit different than if you’re doing it for an entire country.

Or multiple countries. Based on that, we might have different recommendations on how to get those images depending on your use case.

MICHELLE: Awesome, thank you, Danielle. Another one that came in through the Q&A functionality: in this case, we collected a new address, given the relocation. Can this data be shared with other HR tech platforms?

DANIELLE: Yes! In short, the answer is “yes.” We can share it with one HR tech platform or multiple, depending on what your needs are. If you’re doing new provisioning, for example, as well as payroll, maybe Click Boarding is sending that data to your provisioning tool so that you can get a new cell phone, laptop, monitors, as well as your payroll solution.

So number one, deductions are super important. Everybody wants to get paid, but then also other solutions, such as a provisioning platform as well.

MICHELLE: Awesome. Thank you, Danielle. And one more here; a really good one. More questions in regards to the administrative portal. When new employees upload documents like their W-4 that we saw here, how do HR team members access?

DANIELLE: Yes, so same functionality like I was mentioning about, like the badges or the images. We can either send those forms to you automatically so you don’t have to hit a button or download them manually on your own. Or, if you don’t need a copy of the actual W-4 and you just need that data in your payroll solution, for example, we can just send that data to your payroll solution. There are two types of exports. There’s data exports and form and image exports that we offer.

MICHELLE: Awesome. It’s funny on the candidate side of things or for employees: they can also go into the platform at any time and download their original files from the platform. I know this personally because I just did it myself, wanting to access my W-4s for a house application. On both ends, it’s really seamless and intuitive to go back into the platform and download.

All right, I think those are all the questions for the geographical relocation. Next, we’re going to walk through an example of a one-time HR activity. So, slightly different in this case from a crossboarding activity in which you can really administer any sign off, policy agreement, etc. throughout the life of your employee, again, within their tenure.

The actual content or topic of the sign off is…the sky’s the limit there. Really, it depends what you need for your organization, because we support multimedia content. It’s all about uploading your forms, your PDFs and simply using the platform to capture sign off. In this case, again, I’m going to hand off to Danielle here, the expert. We’re going to showcase examples of one-time activities for annual policies around travel expenses as well as sales comp plans. With that, I will share the third and final workflow.

DANIELLE: Yes, and so as Michelle’s getting that set up, one thing I would say is: the name of the game is to make this effortless and easy, right? It shouldn’t be hard for you or for your employees to go through this process and review information.

So here, last time we’re asking her to log back into the platform, and now we’re setting expectations. We are going to review those policy updates and plans, and then even sharing who to reach out to. At the bottom, it says your HR representative. Next time it could be manager. Depending on the situation, that may be different depending on that workflow.

Now you may notice that we’ve collected eSignature a couple of times throughout the demos here. The reason why is because we’re fast forwarding in time from a promotion to a relocation to an updated comp (compensation) and policy plan.

We collect the signature each time, because we’re not going to store the one eSignature that was collected on October 26th, 2022 and apply that to every document moving forward. The reason why we collect it multiple times is to ensure that we have the accurate date, timestamp and again, even that IP address.

Here again, just showcasing that you can download the policies. This one would be a good one. Compensation, offer letters and then once they have the ability to review and click “I agree,” they can move on.

This is pretty cool. But this is something where you can literally just upload your existing PDF document, and this can be deployed in a workflow for your entire sales team or your sales and marketing team, whatever that is. This is how the product, or excuse me, the paperwork or the document would render within the product as you see here. And it’s literally that fast!

The idea again is effortless, painless and now, you’ve got notifications and the documents you need signed, and they can always go back and review their information here as well.

MICHELLE: Awesome. Thanks, Danielle. I’m going to go ahead and stop sharing again. I actually want to start out with a question, because I loved the example you gave for sending a document to Sales team members specifically.

Can you speak to the configuration of workflows and content based on the type of employee and how that’s administered?

DANIELLE: Yes, 100%. So, we have workflows that are based on situations or events, sometimes roles or different departments or parts of the business.

For example, you might send somebody down a Sales workflow as hiring them, onboarding, updated policies that someone in, for example, IT or tech doesn’t see. Their roles are different. The expectations and the information is different.

You can actually configure the workflows in Click Boarding to tailor it to the needs of the audience so they don’t feel, OK, this is just something that they’re sending to everybody and only half of this applies to me.

Rather, they’re actually getting content that’s relevant to them. The platform is made for HR practitioners, not IT folks who need to read JSON and HTML. It’s really easy to upload documentation and deploy a workflow with a few clicks of a mouse.

MICHELLE: Awesome. Thanks, Danielle. Another one that came in throughout that last workflow is we saw that there were examples of due dates associated with sign offs. How can we determine if someone is behind schedule or if they’re stuck in the process and where they’re at?

DANIELLE: Yes! I love that answer or that answer that question. Click Boarding has the ability to configure automated notifications to not only the employee but also the team that is responsible for overseeing and/or administering the process.

For example, I might receive an email that says, “Hey, your due date…we know life gets busy…your due date is approaching. Can you go in and complete your activities? Then also at the same time, an HR representative or hiring manager might receive an email saying, “Danielle’s approaching her due date. Reach out to her.” You can get as informative as you want with those automated notifications.

The due dates can also be set by you.. We’ll say out of the box, the employee has seven days to do it, and any HR or administrative task is 14 days, but you can say,” I actually need this done in three days and HR needs to do it in four.” You can literally set those expectations depending on the unique situation!

MICHELLE: Awesome. And a related question on that front, outside of the HR administrators, can you speak to examples of how other team members might be alerted? Say IT, for instance?

DANIELLE: Yes, there are a number of out-of-the-box notifications that we just provide with the product. You can actually say, “IT needs to know as soon as Danielle signed this step” or “She completed this activity.” Think of it as like a line of dominoes? If you can do multiple lines of dominoes with three fourths, and you start down here, right? Once you push that first one, each of those domino lines are kicking off and the IT team’s doing something and the HR team is doing something else.

But what’s cool about it is that you can do it when the activity is needed to kick off – not too soon and not too late. Right when you get the data that it needs or the action from the employee so that all can be configured as well. And it’s literally drag and drop. Send the email to this IT team, here.

MICHELLE: Awesome! I just got to see that on the backend as well. I recently hired a new employee. When she was going through her 90-day onboarding process, I was alerted that she completed benefits. So I didn’t have to do anything! It was just an alert that came to me as the assigned hiring manager. I don’t have to go out of my way, chasing down answers or reaching out to the individual. It’s all through nudge notifications, which is really nice to ensure that we’re all held accountable.

DANIELLE: Well, and even on that aspect too, you can go in and look at the progress of the employee.

Somebody on our executive leadership team has dubbed it the Domino’s Pizza Tracker. But basically you can go and look and say, “OK, where is Danielle, new hire? Or Danielle, employee, and is she done? Is she stuck?”

Even if you’re curious or want to look and see, when you’re hiring someone onboarding, or even exits, you can see exactly where somebody’s at and determine if any action is needed outside of the nudges that we provide automatically.

MICHELLE: Awesome. I think that concludes our questions for crossboarding and one-time activities. I know we’re coming up on time here, so I want to be respectful. Thank you everyone for joining us today for our second employee transition webinar series with guest host Danielle.

We’ll be sending out a recording after the fact. If you missed us two weeks ago, we dove into preboarding and onboarding, so don’t miss that. You can view it at any time on-demand.

In a couple weeks we’ll come back around, with Craig again on the offboarding workflow experiences. Thank you again for taking time out of your day!

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As knowledgeable HR and onboarding experts, Click Boarding’s authors are dedicated to helping organizations elevate their employee experience. Passionate about seamless transitions across the employee lifecycle, they provide insights that drive engagement, retention, and long-term business success. Our authors are committed to creating strategies that foster connection, compliance, and efficiency. Through research-backed insights and actionable advice, they collaborate with HR leaders to optimize onboarding programs that set employees up for success from day one.
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