6 Things to Do With Your New Employees in Their First 60 Days
The myth – your new employee accepted your offer, they showed up on day one, and they are immediately engaged and productive … WRONG! Many organizations assume that once new employees have signed on the dotted line and shown up on their first day they can relax. Not so fast!
The reality is, many things can derail a new employee’s relationship with a company, but a structured onboarding program is one of the surest ways to engage new employees and make them feel great about their decision to join the company. In fact, according to SHRM, companies with an engaging onboarding program retain 91% of their first-year workers.
Do these 6 things in the first 60 days to avoid the myth and be part of reality:
1. Follow up on benefits
Reach out to your new hire in week two “ish” and ask if they have any questions about benefits, administrative paperwork, or anything company related. They could be unsure about any number of things – all you need to do is open the door so they can ask.
2. Have a 30-day review
Invite your new hire to discuss how things have been going so far. Encourage open and honest feedback about their experience so far compared to what they were expecting after the interview. Try to understand if they’re happy with their decision and what they need to feel more engaged, productive, and part of the team.
3. Take them out to lunch
Hopefully you took your new hire out to lunch their first day. Taking them to lunch again, or hosting a team lunch, during their first couple months is an excellent way to demonstrate that you’re invested in them and want them to feel like a valued member of the team.
4. Keep scheduled meetings
Rescheduling meetings with your new hires is the equivalent of saying, ‘you’re not important’. Even if unintentional, that’s how it will be perceived. Don’t make your new hires feel insignificant. Keep scheduled meetings unless it’s an emergency.
5. Connect them with a mentor or peer
Make sure your new hire is engaged with the company by linking them with a mentor or peer. This colleague will be responsible for helping to get your new hire integrated into the organization.
6. Have a 60-day review
Echo the questions from the 30-day review but go deeper. Your new hire has had a chance to get into the work and company culture. Do they have ideas on how to do things better? Are they struggling with a process? Are they experiencing conflict with a coworker?
This meeting serves a dual-purpose. It allows your new employee to feel like it’s OK to ask questions and shows that you’re invested in their long-term development and engagement.
Don’t let great (new) employees get away! Focus on these top six tips during their first sixty days to maximize engagement and retention.