Click Claims an “Enterprise Tech Success,” Indeed!

Enterprise Tech Success Award

The top 20 HCM solution providers have been named! What do you get when you combine business knowledge with connected technology? A tech success equipped for the modern enterprise. And what does Enterprisetechsuccess Magazine get after thorough research analyzing the top HCM Solution Providers of 2020? Click Boarding, of course! That’s right. Click’s end-to-end employee […]

Our New Offboarding Solution Simplifies Employee Exits & Improves Experience

Click Boarding - New Modern Offboarding Solution

Click Boarding introduces modern offboarding solution to simplify employee exits and improve employee experience Click Boarding, the leading modern onboarding platform, today unveiled its offboarding module that will enable enterprise companies to provide employees with a customized and consistent exit experience while creating a more efficient, streamlined and compliant process for HR. “People leave their […]

DICE Feature: 5 Tips for Onboarding a New Remote Team Member

DICE Feature - Remote Tech Workers

Remote Onboarding for Tech Gurus DICE – the leading career destination for tech experts at every stage of their careers – understands the importance of onboarding in today’s virtual, uncertain world. Amidst the pandemic, they have explored how to create an efficient, effective onboarding experience for new tech workers coming on board remotely. The answer? […]

Giving Back in Brazil

Giving Back in Brazil We are proud to share that our VP of Strategic Partnerships, Scott Poeschl, is back in Brazil for the third time to volunteer in a local community. He is in São Francisco City (a large port city) contributing to the construction, cleaning, and painting of a local school. These facility updates […]

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