Click Claims an “Enterprise Tech Success,” Indeed!

Written By
Kyle Bahr
Posted on December 22, 2020
Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes, 59 seconds
Enterprise Tech Success Award

The top 20 HCM solution providers have been named!

What do you get when you combine business knowledge with connected technology? A tech success equipped for the modern enterprise. And what does Enterprisetechsuccess Magazine get after thorough research analyzing the top HCM Solution Providers of 2020? Click Boarding, of course!

That’s right. Click’s end-to-end employee journey platform has been recognized as a leading technology solution in the human capital management space. We’re honored to be featured in Enterprisetechsuccess’s 2nd annual special edition of the HCM Solution, thanks to our “unique offerings, core competencies and growth.”

Media tech house, Enterprisetechsuccess, is a leading publication delivering the latest in business, technology and up-and-coming trends. It showcases industry pioneers through crafted storytelling, capturing key insights from their roots to their value-added offerings.

And that’s where Click comes in. More specifically, Click’s Chief Revenue Officer, Christine Marino, ready to answer the call. Given her 26 years working in the sweet spot of HCM and IT, Christine was the perfect contender. Trust us, you won’t want to miss her expert, enlightening point of view.

So what’s all the buzz about? You’ll have to check out this exclusive cover story for the full picture. However, to save you another click, we’re ready to share our own CliffsNotes:

1. Employees are no different than consumers.
Just look in the mirror if you’re wondering why an employee might act like a customer. At the end of the day, we’re all consumers. Expectations are high, attention spans are short and impressions are made in an instant. As organizations onboard employees at scale, they must also provide a thoughtful, personalized approach that impresses them out of the gate. As it turns out, Enterprisetechsuccess was thoroughly impressed with Click’s functionality in this space as a “modern, mobile-first employee experience onboarding platform.”

2. Onboarding impacts the organization… significantly.
Enterprisetechsuccess notes that an effective employee onboarding program is a “necessity” for today’s businesses. Whether you account for the threat of employee turnover in the early days, the impact on new hire productivity margins or the obvious increase in employee engagement, it’s easy to agree with this stance. According to Christine, “as our clients engage with ease and at scale, attrition reduces and competitive advantage grows.”

3. The digital transformation is here. And Click has it covered.
At the start of 2020, the world was already moving to digital, challenging HR teams to think differently. To all of our surprise, however, it took a global pandemic to make the situation both dire and non-negotiable. Thankfully, Click Boarding was founded on a mobile-first, fully digital platform. What’s more? “We help HR keep the ‘human’ at the very center of this intentional, seamless journey,” Christine shares. This personal touch makes all the difference in these trying times.

4. Automation is the name of the game.
Although it was intimidating at the start, automation has proven itself to be an invaluable ally, especially for over-worked and often underappreciated HR professionals tackling a never-ending to-do list. Honestly, what’s better than efficient, fool-proof processes that run themselves? If you ask Christine, “providing rapidly scaling technology solutions in a world of high data sensitivity and integrity is core to serving our customers and delivering on the promise of excellence.”

5. Progressive-grade companies choose Click Boarding.
Enterprisetechsuccess showcased Click’s expertise with a success story from a global organization focused on a wide range of insurance, banking and financial services. Check out the full story!

6. The future is bright.
When asked what’s next for Click, Christine lit up with genuine enthusiasm. “We’re focused on giving your new hires the best first day imaginable. And we don’t stop there. Our employee journey platform intuitively transitions your employees at every stage of their lifecycle,” she expressed. This team of Clicksters continues to adapt and innovate to meet the evolving needs of the HCM tech landscape.  From heightened capabilities to enhanced engagement opportunities, we’re on a mission to create exceptional employee experiences, one HR team at a time.

Read the full story featuring Christine’s point of view. As hard as we tried, we just couldn’t capture all the goodness here!

Click Boarding gives you more
As you evaluate your HR technology stack, make sure you’ve seen onboarding at it’s best. Our platform integrates seamlessly with existing tech solutions, augmenting and extending their current capabilities to enable a comprehensive HR suite. Our mobile-first, cross-device platform is the turnkey solution you’ve been waiting for! When you’re ready to experience it, connect with one of our onboarding experts.

Check out the complete publication

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Written by Kyle Bahr
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