How to Improve Employee Engagement: Find Good Friends

You’ve probably heard this before “I hate my job, but I love the people.” Usually, that love between co-workers stems from a mutual dislike of the company, culture-crushing gossip, criticism, and suppressed complaints. Flip that around to “I love my job, and I love the people” and those friendships become a defining aspect of the […]
How to Improve Employee Engagement: Focus on Quality

So, the manager just walked up to say that they need you on a team project and the planning meeting starts in 10. You grab your laptop and coffee, wander into the conference room with a smile plastered on your face and “please let this be a good group, please let this be a good […]
How to Improve Employee Engagement: Make the Mission Clear

It’s 7:37 pm on Wednesday night. I’m still at work, writing this blog and jamming out to Stevie Wonder. It should be a pretty quiet and lonely experience, but I’ve come to realize that I’m not completely alone. While I might have the office all to myself, I still see a few co-workers online, I see a […]
How to Improve Employee Engagement: Give Praise

In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work? If you answered yes you’re one of the lucky ones, as only 33% of the workforce has, found Gallup. In all honesty my first reaction to this was, can’t employees perform their best without being told “good job” at least once […]
How to Improve Employee Engagement: Focus on Productivity

Sounds simple enough to implement, yet why do 7 in 10 U.S. employees believe they don’t have the needed materials and equipment to get their work done right, as reported by Gallup? Why are organizations reporting that they’re experiencing negative hits on profitability, workplace safety, and quality of output as a result? Of all the […]
How the best HR people think like Dr. Seuss

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ 113th birthday, I’ve chosen to honor this man who helped me learn how to read and enjoy laughing out loud – and now with my daughter – with a little blog. It is said over 60 books were written by Dr. Seuss, and from those I’ve chosen top life-lesson quotes – and […]
Is Your Employee Value Proposition Killing Employee Engagement?

I came across an article in Forbes on EVP as a potential fix to employee engagement. For those of you who may need a reminder as to what EVP stands for, it’s Employee Value Proposition. Put simply, EVP is defined in the book The War for Talent as “Your company needs a strong employee value […]
Employer Brand: Get Your Expert Advice Here

Talent is no doubt what makes an organization great, but when it comes to all of the processes and checklists for the talent lifecycle, it’s easy to find yourself going down a rabbit hole. From employer brand to performance management, and everything in between, keeping track of best practices can become a task itself. Don’t […]
6 Ways Current Employees Make (or Break) Your Hiring Game

People are a company’s greatest asset. Without front-line employees to support and grow a company, there would be no company. This is exactly why so many resources go into finding, attracting and onboarding new employees. This candidate-driven market takes a toll on sourcing and retention, especially when working to find skilled hires with a cultural […]
5 Ways to Get More Accepted Offers From Candidates

In the words of Joni Mitchell, “…don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got til’ it’s gone?” We often take for granted the better things in life when we get used to having them done a certain way. Employers are used to having the upper hand with candidates. However, as the job […]