Remote Onboarding Best Practices

Remote Onboarding Best Practices

The genesis of remote onboarding best practices Out of sheer necessity, the intrinsic need for remote onboarding manifested when the Covid pandemic began in early 2020. Over the past two plus years since then, an overwhelming 83% of employers have reported successfully adopting and transitioning to remote onboarding for new employees. For the world of […]

Employee Satisfaction & Engagement: Are You Missing the Point?

Employee Satisfaction

Employee Engagement & Employee Satisfaction Billions of dollars are spent each year – across verticals – to boost employee engagement and overall employee satisfaction. We’re investing in recognition programs, treating employees to free sodas and snacks in the break room, throwing Foosball tables in the middle of the office and hosting happy hour after happy […]

Our New Hire Onboarding Checklist: a Must-have!

A New Hire Onboarding Checklist from Click Boarding

Download our free new hire onboarding checklist! Okay, so you have a great new hire and you’re excited about getting them to work at your company. You have a wonderful work culture, fantastic benefits and you can’t wait to get them onboarded. But what should you include in your new hire onboarding checklist? At Click Boarding, […]

Involuntary Offboarding Risks You Need to Know

Involuntary Offboarding Risks

The Involuntary Offboarding Risks You Need to Know Uncomfortable musings What could a disgruntled terminated employee do with access to your sensitive corporate information, building, and passwords to your social accounts? An unsettling thought, isn’t it? Especially considering, according to Intermedia, 89% of past employees retain access to sensitive corporate applications. Just imagine the damage. […]

Surprising Employee Onboarding Lessons from The Santa Clause Movie

In the 1994 holiday classic movie The Santa Clause, an unlucky dad hears Santa fall from his roof. Rushing outside with his son, Scott discovers a lifeless Santa and a note in the pocket of his suit. In very fine print it reads, “If something should happen to me, put on my suit, the Reindeer […]

Overcome the construction worker shortage with best-in-class onboarding

Click Boarding - Overcome the construction worker shortage with great onboarding

The Associated General Contractors of America conducted a survey earlier this year and found that 80% of construction companies are unable to find enough qualified craft workers. This construction worker shortage has led to two-thirds of companies increasing base pay rates for craft workers and 29% offering bonuses and incentives. To standout in this talent […]

Top 5 Best Practices to Onboard New Nurse Graduates

Click Boarding Top 5 Best Practices to Onboard New Nurse Graduates

Within the first two years after graduating, 33% of new nurses quit. Reality of life as a nurse and the steep learning curve are the biggest reasons for hanging up the stethoscope. With 1 million registered nurse job vacancies the Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates through 2022, the big question is – how do you […]

What Your Onboarding Says About Your Company

What Your Onboarding Says About Your Company A decade ago, you might have been forgiven if you thought onboarding was just the mandatory stack of HR info provided to new hires on the first day. As society has moved toward a consumer-first environment where Amazon delivers what you want the same day and intuitively knows […]

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