Optimizing the Staffing Agency Onboarding Process for Success

Enhancing Workforce Integration Through Strategic Onboarding In today’s competitive labor market, staffing companies play an essential role in connecting organizations with top-tier talent. Whether a business requires temporary, contract, or direct-hire employees, staffing agencies offer strategic workforce solutions to address skill gaps efficiently. Equally, a well-defined staffing agency onboarding process is crucial for ensuring a […]
Mastering New Employee Onboarding: Best Practices for Success

Employee onboarding is a crucial player that the HR (Human Resources) industry has realized majorly influences retention and talent acquisition. For much of corporate history, onboarding was overlooked, leaving many organizations in every sector losing their investments in talent. In this post, you can expect an inside lane into the realm of ‘immersive onboarding,’ a […]
M&As: Integration through Communication

The key to success in mergers & acquisitions Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are not for the faint of heart. It’s why many businesses avoid them like the plague. For those brave firms that venture into the M&A space and succeed, however, it’s an incredible growth opportunity for market expansion, diversification, and enhanced revenue… to name […]
How Onboarding Protects Your New Hire Investment

New hire onboarding: don’t underestimate its importance Whether or not you’re familiar with our new hire onboarding concept of the Valley of Uncertainty™, one thing is undeniable: you do not want new hires landing there. The Valley of Uncertainty is the unsettling time for candidates when they transition from the recruiting department into the day-to-day […]
What is the Valley of Uncertainty™?

Ever hear of the Valley of Uncertainty? No? Well, Click Boarding coined the term and concept of the Valley of Uncertainty. It’s our analogy of the gap that exists between Talent Acquisition and Talent Management. Sounds like a scary place to be, right? The Valley of Uncertainty is where your newly hired candidates fall off […]
How to Prevent HR Disruption with HR Innovation

The disruption in HR At the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, HR teams became the first responders to the chaos… by default. Fast forward two-plus years of pervasive, seemingly endless change, and HR teams remain at the helm. They’re keeping their organizations operating the very best they can, cautiously navigating the many twists, […]
What Nurses Really Want from Onboarding

Nurse Onboarding According to the May 2021 McKinsey survey, 22% of nurses reported the strong likelihood of leaving their current healthcare positions. The same survey revealed that of the 22% of nurses, an unsurprising 60% said it was a result of the pandemic, citing “insufficient staffing, workload and emotional toll” as the primary turnover culprits. This troubling stat […]
8 Onboarding Mistakes that Terrify New Hires

Please avoid these onboarding mistakes! Click loves onboarding. Not only does the process engage and prepare employees for their roles, a successful onboarding program unifies organizational goals and quickly brings your talent to their highest proficiency. With our onboarding software, our mission is to help companies create the best first day experience for each of their […]
New Hire Retention: 5 Eye-Opening Articles

Tackling employee turnover Employee turnover continues to be one of the biggest concerns for HR professionals to date. The bustling job market is wonderful for job seekers and employees looking to make a career change, but it’s not always so wonderful for HR talent management. Deloitte’s 2015 Human Capital Trends Report shares the top three […]
The New Hire Onboarding Process: 5 Signs You Need a New One

On the fence about your onboarding process? You shouldn’t be. Whether you haven’t created a formal onboarding process, haven’t looked at it for years or are getting mandates from senior leadership about changing the program, you need to act fast. The more time you spend without a good onboarding process, the less productive your company […]