The Importance of State-Mandated Separation Notice Requirements

As businesses navigate the complexities of employee management, one critical area often overlooked is the offboarding process—specifically, ensuring compliance with State-mandated separation notices. These notices are legal requirements that vary by state and are designed to protect the rights of employees during the transition out of a company. Non-compliance can result in significant penalties, legal […]

Top 5 Reasons Consulting Firms Need Modern Onboarding

Top 5 Reasons Consulting Firms Need Modern Onboarding

Why onboarding is so important One of the challenges of consulting is handling onboarding with each new client, as every client requires something different. Information and paperwork, such as background checks, drug tests, NDA’s, and W-9’s are often needed. Data security and sensitivity, including HIPAA regulations, GDPR, insider trading, and other industry-specific data requirements are […]

Great Onboarding in the Gig Economy

Click Boarding - Great onboarding in the gig economy

Great Onboarding in the Gig Economy The gig economy is booming. With 57 million Americans engaged in nontraditional work and a 22% increase since 2000, the gig economy is a powerful and growing force. How is your organization treating these nontraditional workers? So well that they can’t wait to return next time there’s an opportunity? […]

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