Great Onboarding: How to NOT Lose a New Employee in 90 days

The secrets of retaining your employees In the classic rom-com How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, the protagonist spends the entire movie trying to drive a new boyfriend away, even gifting him a “love fern.” While she was purposely trying to sabotage the new romance, many employers inadvertently damage a relationship with a […]
New hires have just one wish. Without it, they leave.

What do new hires wish for? Have you ever been asked, “if you were given one wish, what would you wish for?” Just thinking about the answer puts a smile on our faces as we dream up something great. How do you think your new hires would answer that question? Do you think it would […]
4 Ready-to-Send Onboarding Notes for Recruiters

Recruiters need any form of automation they can get. Use these easy, copy and paste onboarding notes for four scenarios recruiters run into daily.
Paperless Onboarding Benefits: More Business Growth

Paperless Onboarding Benefits Small numbers mean big things when it comes to business growth. Just look at how large of a shift it was for the United State’s GDP to grow 2.4%. So when we think about business growth, we have to think about all the ways we can make those small increases add up. One […]
Ready to Automate HR?

Congratulations! You convinced leadership that when it comes to onboarding, paper needs to go. Everyone is on board with the fact that automating new hire onboarding will reduce the burden on HR, your new hires, and current employees while driving engagement and improving the overall experience. Your team is pumped, you’re over-the-moon excited, and everyone can’t wait […]
Think You’ve Got Onboarding Figured Out? Think Again.

Think you know onboarding? Starting a new job is stressful. Especially when things don’t go the way they were planned. But, with HR teams focusing in on employee engagement and the candidate experience – we’re streamlining the process and making things better… right? Wrong. While companies are investing more time and resources into cleaning up the hiring […]
Top 3 Tips to Boost Employee Engagement

Top 3 Tips to Boost Employee Engagement Employee engagement is king when it comes to retention, productivity, job satisfaction, and employee happiness. It’s a big topic, and we’ve dedicated the last few months to figuring out what drives engagement by diving deep into Gallup’s 12 elements of engagement for 2017. Next week, we’re posting the last write […]
#Hiring and Dating Have a Lot in Common

Hiring is like dating We find “the one”, we woo them, lavish with wine and chocolates, change our status on FB. And then, the stars align. We ask them to go steady. They say “Yes!!” But what happens after that? What happens to our candidates after the wining and dining and wooing and hiring? How […]
How to Improve Employee Engagement: Show You Care

Have you ever had a moment where you sat at work and wondered what would happen if you simply got up, left and never came back? Would anyone notice? Would anyone care? According to Gallup, only four in 10 U.S. employees strongly agree that someone, a supervisor or coworker, cares about them as a person. That […]
Loss of Workplace Productivity & Engagement: What to Do?

Achieving Productivity & Engagement Life happens. There’s occurrences and instances that we need to attend to outside of work, sometimes negatively impacting productivity and engagement on-the-job. So, what should we do about it? We all have events in our lives that take us away from work – happy moments including getting hitched, welcoming a new […]