5 Signs It’s Time for a New Employee Onboarding Process

Still on the fence about your new employee onboarding process? You shouldn’t be. Whether you haven’t created a formal onboarding process, haven’t looked at it for years or are getting mandates from senior leadership about changing the program, you need to act fast. The more time you spend without a good onboarding process, the less […]
Does Good Onboarding Impact Employee Retention?

The impact of good employee onboarding The question of how onboarding impacts employee retention has been around quite some time. We understand how easy it can be to disassociate the two without the right explanation, so we’ve combined our top insights right here. Not only will we show you how onboarding increases retention; we’ll delve […]
HR Onboarding Process All-Stars: 4 Lessons

You wake up early. Put on that new outfit you specifically bought for this amazing day. You actually eat breakfast! You’re prepared as ever but still as nervous as can be. Your first day. Can’t get more terrifying than that, can it? It can when facing your greatest fear is part of the HR onboarding […]
17 New Hire Onboarding Facts to Keep You Up at Night

New Hire Onboarding Facts: The Numbers to Know Engagement, performance, retention…oh my! There’s no shortage of things to cross off your list when you’re in the process of onboarding new hires to your organization. One of the most important things to remember is that new hires who experience a positive, supportive onboarding experience are more […]
Employee Onboarding for Startups: Yes, It’s Worth It

For those employed at a fresh, new startup, or even a mature startup, the idea of spending resources on an area like new employee onboarding might seem questionable. The truth is, startups need successful employee onboarding programs more than anyone. The organizational costs of employee turnover are estimated to be between 100% and 300% of the […]
Improve Your Employee Onboarding Map in 3 Ways

Is your employee onboarding out of order? Because the failures aren’t immediately apparent, it can take time to find the cracks in your onboarding plan. An employee’s first day is always busy with paperwork, training, meeting new people, seeing their new workspace and everything else that comes with a new job. What you may not […]
The Amazing Link Between Onboarding and Retention

How Onboarding and Retention are Connected In Jim Collins’ book Good to Great, he emphasizes the importance of “getting the right people on the bus.” He stresses that getting the right people in the right roles enables organizations to thrive, expand and nimbly adapt to changing market conditions. He continues to say that the right people […]
Is Your Company Missing Out on Valuable Tax Credits?

For many organizations across the country, the COVID-19 pandemic created a variety of financial implications that have had or will have long-ranging effects. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is an end-of-the-year Federal spending and tax extension package. It was designed for employers who hire and retain individuals from targeted groups that have experienced substantial […]
Why is Onboarding So Important for Employee Retention?

Why is onboarding so important for employee retention? Think for a moment about your last great hire. How long did it take to find them? How expensive was it? Did you worry if they would be a good fit culturally? How long did it take until they were fully integrated into the company and productive? […]
WEBINAR: Operationalizing Internal Mobility to Redeploy Your Existing Workforce

Internal Talent Mobility & Redeployment of Your Workforce On Thursday, April 30, 2020, Click Boarding partnered with SmartRecruiters in a compelling discussion with renowned HR leaders and analysts to discuss the focus on how best to operationalize internal mobility and redeploy an existing workforce. SmartRecruiters launched TA Today for the Talent Acquisition Community to hear […]